Posted 2/14/2015 11:21 PM (GMT -5)
Today got off to such a promising start, but it rapidly went downhill from there. Morning chores were all taken care of, so I didn't have to (yay!).
Then I started thinking about this storm that's coming. Its quite cold, and I'm worried about the babies keeping warm. So I set about making blankets for them. I thought I had all the tools to do it....and then we had the first blow up of the day. All of a sudden, my sewing machine quits working. After several extremely stressful hours and much frustration it finally comes to life again.
Things go fairly well after that. My sister and I were actually kinda getting along for a change while we did some pre-storm cooking (in case we loose power and can't use the oven). I finish the one blanket I have the materials to make, have dinner and think things are going well for a change.
Then my sister bloody ruins it all. Putting away the food we'd made, and she deliberately does the opposite of what I asked her to. I had one thing in a container all set to cover with plastic wrap...and she goes and puts it in another container. This is a long standing issue with her (her deciding to steam roll over me, no matter what short of screaming and cursing at her.......yeah she's borderline abusive). I mange to finish putting things away, but I'm absolutely fuming.
So I wind up thrashing my bed and pillows, accidentally hitting myself in the head a few times. Wish I could go outside and thrash some branches or something......but we've got >3ft of snow on the ground and more coming.
I'm less angry now....but of course my whole evening is totally fallen apart now. This all happened around 9:30, and I normally start winding down for bed around 9 so I can fall asleep between 10 and 11. And seeing how its now almost 11:30, that's not going to happen. And now I'm pissed that I wasn't able to go to sleep like normal, since I kinda need to adhere to that schedule with my adrenal issues and all.
I guess I just get to stay awake now until I pass out, whenever that is.
And oh, sister is going to be sticking around until the fall. Oh how I wish I was well enough to work so I could afford to live somewhere else.