Posted 3/1/2015 2:18 PM (GMT -5)
I live on the edge of a small town with city streets near wilderness, but no "wild land" encompassing my small yard. Very few ticks in my yard makes a difference, so I'm looking forward to spring. It was well below zero F every morning last week, can you say cabin fever?
I always wanted to live right in the woods, but not so much anymore. People I know in the sticks have ticks allover the place. So I could see how you could get freaked out. I love dogs, but I wont get another one since they haul ticks in the house.
However, "wilderness" is something I'm addicted too, or was at one time. If I was completely healthy, pain free, and younger I'd definitely try living the "granola hippie" lifestyle partially off-grid, LOL. But with the increasing tick infestations, I'm somewhat happy I never built a cabin in the woods. That said, I am so at ease in nature, that I feel out of place surrounded by asphalt and the busy life that comes with it.
I practice complete tick arsenal now when off the pavement and try my best to avoid brushy narrow trails in from spring to mid July.