Posted 3/4/2015 2:04 PM (GMT -5)
hello... I feel truly lucky to have found this group, as many I have sought out are just not very active, and there are times I feel so alone in this. I'm Lisa, I am 44 years old, and I was recently diagnosed with Lyme.
Believe it or not, this was a relief at first, for I had lived the last year with doctors thinking I had mitochondrial disease, for which there is no treatment and no cure.... it was pretty scary. So when the lyme diagnosis came, my partner and I actually did a happy dance. Of course, now that I've become more a part of this world and am more aware of what it entails, it's hardly joyous.... but I do the best I can to maintain my sense of humor and my lust for life.
For the last month, my LLMD and I have been preparing my body for treatment with supplements and diet changes... and I go in this Friday for my appointment with her, where I will be getting my first antibiotic prescriptions. Frankly, I'm terrified. I've always been the ooey gooey all natural and organic hippy woman, steering away from conventional medicine every chance I get. The idea of herxing terrifies me... you mean I could feel WORSE than I already do??? Eeeeek. That being said, I'm not new to detoxing.... I've been a health freak of sorts for a few years now, and am ready to get rid of the little lyme boogers and reclaim my life and my body again. I am stocking up on epson salts and herbal remedies that my doc has recommended.
I do work and have a family.... I've had to greatly reduce my work this year (I work for myself, leading women's circles, making art, and writing), but I'm supposed to lead a workshop on the 21st, and I'm afraid that I may have to cancel due to herxing.... and my family and I are also planning a trip to the beach at the end of this month, and I'm afraid of not being well enough to go. Oy! I guess, I need to let go and just be and see what happens. Truly easier said than done.
We've been inundated with bad weather and lots of snow days in my neck o' the woods, and so I've been feeling a bit isolated from my community of friends. Another reason that finding you all is such a blessing to me... I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing our stories!