Hi all
So over the weekend I went to see an acupuncturist who specializes in muscle testing (Came highly recommended by my LLMD) to see if we could get a better diagnosis of my co-infections or whatever else is wrong with me.
The whole thing is crazy, I don't know how it works, but after seeing what he did, I trust him.
(This link here sort of explains it http://www.boxboroacupuncture.com/naet.html, it's muscle testing in combination with NAET)
Basically he went through kits of bacteria to see what I react to, and he found Lyme (which we knew) and Pertussis, which I reacted badly to the vaccine for when I was a baby. No co-infections.
He also said my thyroid is "on the fritz" and my adrenals are "shot." All this by just looking at me and touching areas of my body! He held up the pertussis vial against my head and my right arm dropped and he said "That's what's causing your headaches."
Of course I'm a little skeptical, as I'm not feeling any better after 1 treatment, but he found the pertussis before we even mentioned I reacted badly to it when I was little. The whole thing was kind of like magic. I hope he's right and this will help my treatment progress.
I encourage you all to look into this for diagnosis. I'm sure all practioners are not created equal, but he's even in network with my insurance since it's considered acupuncture.