Thanks for all your replies and support!!
My poochies are a lot of help, but I'm not a lot of help for them. There are days when all I can do is feed them and pill them, and they really long for a walk!
As for the thyroid, I was laughing at Girlie's post about
being reprimanded. You're REALLY going to reprimand me!! I've been increasing the dose of the synthroid by tiny increments myself. I can't take this anymore. I'm keeping a very detailed log of my pulse, weight, and temperature. Obviously I wouldn't know how to dose myself on things like Nature Thyroid, knowing nothing about
I did see my PCP, and I've seen her before (when she worked at a different office) and I've always liked her. The thing is, she said I should wait 5 weeks before being tested again to see if the current dose worked.
Meanwhile, my LLMD suggested Nature Thyroid or Armour Thyroid, the PCP suggested some kind of compounded drug, and the ER doc just gave me synthroid. I've given permission to the PCP and LLMD to talk to each other, but goodness knows when that will be. My endocrinologist appointment isn't until June.
I'm still extremely sleepy much of the time.
I've had hot sweats, cold symptoms (these happen pretty often), a stomach flu caught in the ER, constipation, and finally, normal stools (sorry guys).
I tried to call my oncologist (who is also a hematologist) about
my low Immuneglobulin levels, and the office blew me off. I have an appointment with him in July.
I'm now thinking basically all doctors are crappy, and I'm tired of doing the revolving door doctor thing.
Which is why, (oh horrors) I'm dosing myself (at least with the Synthroid). I didn't go to medical school, but I think I have the equivalent of medical school knowledge in Lyme Disease (practically), though perhaps not in all its complexities.
This is terrible, but I try to stay awake by being on the computer, which is probably bathing me in EMFs.
Meanwhile, I have to keep the cell phone (you tube) on "rain sounds" at night (in the bedroom) to drown out my tinnitus.
Yesterday, I was reading that metals can protect against emfs, so I placed the cell phone on a nice silver tray I had inherited from my mother (seriously, I'm not joking).
My PCP wants me to order some materials that can protect against EMFs, e.g. from website LESSemfs. You can buy the cloth and hem it yourself to make sheets. I didn't tell her about
the cell phone; she would have shot me.
Reprimand me if you will, but I have to have a life, even if that means being my own doctor. However, I still can't do much about
the low IGs.
I know. I'm bad, bad, bad. Much worse than Girlie.
Meanwhile, my poor poochies have dug up the yard, and are destroying some nice bushes that I've had for 17 years!