Last July I had a dentist appt. -hygiene and check-up. I had broken off a piece of an old mercury amalgam filling...and she spotted it...and said I needed to have it replaced with a white filling.
I told her I would eventually, but not right away, as i had to come back for another hygiene appt. to finish what was started, and at that time I was just recently diagnosed...and didn't want my mouth
open that long - she said 70 minutes in the chair. I was only doing 1/2 hour hygiene appointments at the time, so not to strain my neck muscles.
So, although I should have gone back for another hygiene 4 months later...I waited until today. So, it's been 9 months...and did panoramic xrays to check bone loss on my upper an lower jaw. After the hygiene, the dentist checked me over and reminded me of the filling replacement. She said that it looked like another piece had broken off.
So, please don't suggest a biological dentist...there doesn't appear to be any near our home. Since, two pieces have broken off...I'm thinking of doing the replacement in a couple of months. I know that even with a dam, little bits may go into my system...but I think that may be happening already, anyway. I've read that you should have oxygen at the time, so not to breathe in the fumes...she doesn't supply that...just a dental dam...and a rinse with water after.
How bad is it? It doesn't mean it will set me back for sure, does it? Considering, it's compromised already...and two pieces have broken off in the past year...what do you think I should do?