Posted 5/4/2015 2:24 PM (GMT -5)
Please don't just go to your GP!! You've read the responses from others - I saw sooo many GP's over the course of the 40 years that I had these infections and not a single one of them actually helped me cure my infections - they didn't even suspect tick-borne infections for over 40 years! And I saw GP's in many different states as my hubby used to travel for work, so we went with him.
You need to have a doctor that has been trained in what to look for, how to treat, and what to do when the "standard" treatment doesn't work, or you plateau in your healing. Believe me, your GP would be stumped, and then you are set back in your healing - that's if they got you started healing to begin with. These are some of the most complex infections that are known, and they really do take special treatments for the person to heal.
You wouldn't go to a Chiropractor for brain surgery, so you need to go to a doc that has the right training - and for these infections, it's a LLMD/LLND.