Did your sister have comprehensive adrenal and thyroid testing to accurately determine what the nature of the problem is? The Adrenal Fatigue label is sometimes erroneously applied to a low energy situation.
For instance, my daughter had "Adrenal Fatigue" for years, even after she otherwise became well from her illness. Sure we tried every relevant Adrenal and Pituitary supplement/glandular for several years in an attempt to rejuvenate the Adrenals, but with no results.
Eventually Dr. J. suggested a saliva test, which was followed up with several types of blood tests. They definitively showed that it was a Pituitary problem and not an Adrenal problem at all. She had "Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency". She could have taken the Adrenal and pituitary supplements until the cows came home and it wouldn't make a difference.
Hydrocortisone usage is definitely NOT for everyone. It is only for everyone that definitely is deficient in it, and has tried the intelligently applied supplemental/glandular approach. I am also jaded and against "Big Pharma" as are many on this forum. Its a different story though when we are talking about
cortisol which is something that the body normally produces and absolutely requires in physiological amounts. Sometimes I get the feeling that some of our members think that the human body does not require this "steroid", and that physiologically normal levels are somehow bad. That conclusion would be as erroneous as thinking that since it is possible to die from drinking too much water, that therefore we shouldn't drink any. Once again, the real truth is that either too much or too little of a good thing is what is bad!
You can pump as much hydrocortisol into a corpse as you want and it won't make a difference. The reason is patently obvious because we all know that there would be many more issues involved than cortisol levels in the body. Why would the reality be any different for a chronically ill person? I think that Georgia Hunter has come closest to the true answer. He mentions "metabolic abnormalities" and "nutritional deficiencies" as more fundamental issues than the steroid levels themselves. If your body cannot metabolize the most ideal of supplements, then the production of downstream products such as enzymes and steroids will be hindered. They also won't be utilized properly.
There are many other factors than "Adrenal Fatigue" that can contribute to a low energy condition. I would only fault the physician if the prescript
ion hydrocortisol was the remedy of first resort. If comprehensive testing and all conceivable contributing factors were not first explored, then that physician may have blindly and inappropriately prescribed the hydrocortisol.
I do know one thing, though. A person that is cortisol deficient is not harmed with "bio-identical replacement therapy" with hydrocortisol at the correct dosage and schedule. That's an oxymoron which has been disproven by many physicians. On the other hand, a person that does not need the steroid is harmed by carrying excess levels in the body. Its a very simple issue really.
Dr. William Jefferies' career was devoted to the research and treatment of cortisol deficiency. He wrote a book entitled "Safe Use of Cortisol" which scientifically documents his painstaking research and clinical applications. Dr. J.. loaned the book to me to read. It is available through Amazon.
Post Edited (Heathersdad) : 5/7/2015 10:15:17 PM (GMT-6)