So, had my half hour appt. today.
I told him my liver enzymes had raised a notch again...and I had stopped the antibiotics.
After he asked me about
my symptoms, he told me he's not going to prescribe anything for bart right now. He thinks a break is a good idea - a month or two!!
He said that he feels that it's good for my liver, and if the symptoms get worse, then we hit them again. Let them come out of to speak.
He doesn't even want me to take the bart tinctures...just support supplements...and Japanese Knotweed...
I asked him if I should call him if my symptoms come roaring back...and he said 'yes'.
He is also sending me a liver support supplement. and wants me to test my liver function in three weeks.
Groan....stalling my treatment does not make a happy camper...