Posted 5/30/2015 6:04 AM (GMT -5)
I have now posted 3 articles (each in new threads) on this topic. One is a general analysis of the realtionship of Borrelia to biowarfare; another concerns a book called "Japan's Secret Weapon" written during WW2, and the last is a "FAQ" on the topic which addresses such issues as whether or not we should be afraid to talk about this topic publicly, and whether the finding of Lyme in the Iceman negates the view that modern Lyme Disease is a bioweapon (it doesn't).
Another extremely important resource on the issues of Project Paperclip and Plum Island is the book "Lab 257" by Michael C. Carroll.
One of the many important points raised by Margaret is the fact that there are a lot of people out there discussing and writing about the links between Lyme and biowarfare in an irresponsible manner, linking the topic with all kinds of other themes for which there is no evidence, and some of which are downright absurd (aliens, zombies or giant lizards controlling the earth etc..)
I believe that some of this activity has been deliberately encouraged or even initiated by the US Dept of Defense and its Allies, as if they can make the topic of the Borrelia-biological warfare link appear crazy (and by extension, those who talk about it), then they can effectively marginalise it.
An analogy would be what happened decades ago when the U2 was developed in the US. This was a top secret aircraft at the time, with stealth abilities previously unknown. Because some local people observed some odd phenomena, and it was difficult to quell the rumours that "something was going on" in the area where the aircraft were being tested, the US government encouraged the formation of a huge mythology to the effect that alien spacecraft had been sighted.
This served the dual purpose of making the Soviets think that nothing was going on except the delusions of a few crazy Americans, and channelling the curiosity of those who were sure they had witnessed strange things, into a "safe" direction.
It's therefore truly essential that when discussing this topic, we try to be as factual and accurate as possible.
I believe that although the corrupt involvement of the insurance corporations, vaccine and pharmaceutical industries etc has had a role in the Denial of chronic Lyme, nevertheless the single most important factor in the Denial has been the fact that Borrelia is a militarily sensitive, biological warfare issue. (And has been since at least the WW2 era - see my post today re the book "Japan's Secret Weapon" by Barclay Newman, written in the 1940s.)
I believe that by gathering the evidence re the Lyme - biowarfare link and presenting it in a sober, factual manner free of "conspiracy theories", we can eventually achieve an expose of this disgraceful coverup and bring it to an end, just as CDC's shameful Tuskegee project was brought to an end.
Elena Cook