AlextheLymeFighter, sorry to hear that you are in this predicament. I am surprised to hear that your doctor doesn't have you on fluconazole. Not only is it a very potent anti-yeast medicine but there is evidence that it also kills Lyme. From what I've read about
Nystatin, it is used mostly for digestive tract yeast and not so much for whole body yeast. I would imagine that a modified diet along with an anti-fungal and a decent probiotic solution should bring down that yeast infection to tolerable limits where you could then resume abx.
As far as your question, a good treatment plan is not to only kill Lyme. Many of the best doctors will also focus on protecting the body from inflammation, protecting the organs, removing the food from the pathogens, and finally killing the bacteria. Even Doctor Buhner recommends this in his Lyme books. I mention this because natural supplements (herbs) can do all of the above very effectively so even if you are not taking antibiotics to kill the bacteria, you can heal the body from the Lyme damage and inhibit the growth and replication of Lyme.
There are natural antibiotics (cryptolepis, sida acuta) that can be as powerful as prescript
ion antibiotics and that will make you herx as bad as prescript
ion abx.
Whatever you do, don't give up. There are more knowledgeable doctors out there who can find the right treatment for you by combining natural and modern western medicine.
I lost count of how many doctors I have "fired" because they didn't know what they were doing. Don't be afraid to do the same. It is your life and you have to do what it's best for you.
Post Edited (Healing98) : 5/22/2015 9:18:17 PM (GMT-6)