Hi Kev,
I was going to wait before saying anything on the forum about
my situation. I just got my husband to go in for the most basic of testing for Lyme disease, Tularemia, RMSF and Ehrlichia. Those are the only tests his doc was willing to do. It's a place to start.
What you don't know is that I was infected & undiagnosed for 37 years, had one year of abx, was an abx failure, and then - 40 years after being infected, finally healed using herbs. I met and married my husband in the middle of all of that 15 years ago. He did not get infected from me, as I said, we have been together for 15 years, and his symptoms are brand new.
While he was as supportive as he could be- and he took really good care of me - he couldn't understand what was happening to my body or my mind because he wouldn't learn anything about
Lyme. I'm afraid he's about
to know what I went through.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, much less the one person I love with my whole being.
Here are the things I presented to him:
cassia.org/checklist.htm or you can go to page 9 of this document:
www.lymenet.org/BurrGuide200810.pdf I actually prefer the second one, but if you think she might only be willing to look long enough to do a short one, then use the first link.
Of course, if your wife chose to join and post here, let us know and we can most definitely delete your posts - but don't forget you need help too. If you would like for me to look to see if there is a Lyme literate counselor for you - to help you deal with what your wife is going through, please just say the word. Send me an email by clicking on the blue envelope under my name, let me know what area you would like to find one in and I'll see what I can do.
Remember that this is not the woman that you fell in love with, this is a very ill person that is doing all that she can to survive. Many of us have been in her shoes before, some (like me) for many, many years and it's amazing what a person will do to "carry on".
I would suggest that you just give her space - as much as she seems to need, but don't go too far away physically. You don't want to give her the impression that you don't care, as that's obviously not the case, or you wouldn't be taking the time to reach out to us now. The woman that you fell in love with is inside her, hoping that this madness will end some day, likely thinking she can do something to make that happen. It's really quite sad to me.
The other thing, if you can find a way to bring it up, I'd be happy to try to talk with her through emails. You can find my basic story by following the link in my signature line below, and you can feel free to ask me any questions about
my experiences, or about
this site.
Just let us know how we can best help both of you, and hang in there!!!