Sorry, I missed your previous post.
I will look for a good reference about
overlapping sx and will post it on this tread. But I think the next part of your previous post about
the food sensitivities is most relevant to getting you where you need to be.
When I read this next part, I yelled BINGO! I had a few suggestions before, but knowing about
your food sensitivities, gray suddenly became black and white. I have some very concrete info for you:
"Also, a year and 1/2 ago when I was searching for my diagnosis I have a functional medical doctor give me a food sensitivity test. I scored over the roof for being sensitive to yeast. One way you can score high for a food is if you eat a lot of it, or have a lot of it in your system. I then assumed I had a lot of yeast in my system. "
Yes, if your food sensitivity tests showed high antibodies for a lot of foods, that is a sure sign of "leaky gut," generally caused by damage from y/f overgrowth. And it is a BEAR to heal from. Literally, it takes years… I am still struggling, myself after 6 yrs or more. And I'm pretty sure you are too. So, it will be worth your effort to educate yourself and then we can help get your MD up to speed and he/she will be more amenable to prescribing what you need.
Here are posts I've previously written to help explain the connection between y/f overgrowth, leaky gut, food sensitivities, and ongoing sx and tx. I'm sorry, I will eventually have one comprehensive post to include in the "New to Lyme?" thread but don't have the capacity for editing right now. But there is good info on Leaky Gut below that I hope answers your questions.
If you had leaky gut before, and never really focused on it (SIBO tx is helpful but not the same), you likely still have it. Again, it is VERY difficult to treat, particularly when you're in the midst of lyme & co tx, but it can be done and it HAS to be done. 70 percent of your immune system lies within your gut and all the damage is preventing it from functioning well and as we all know, you won't heal from lyme & co w/out the natural support of your immune system. Also, the GI damage is keeping you from processing nutrients and likely some of your tx appropriately. It's a nasty, vicious cycle… So let's get you on a better path.
I would advise these next steps:
1. Find a VERY GOOD naturopath and/or nutritionist or integrative specialist who knows about
leaky gut (don't rely on your LLMD). Find this out by asking them what their dx and tx approach is, share it here and I can help you review it.
2. Since it's now pretty clear you have leaky gut, you need to double the probiotic levels I previously mentioned… do 800 billion at the end of the day before bed, at least 3 hrs after your final antimicrobial tx dose for the day. If you're doing your tx 7 days a week, maintain the 800 billion. If you're not doing tx every day (I only take my abx 5 days a week) you can reduce the probiotics to 400 billion on your off days.
3. Remove all sugars, simple carbs (anything white: rice, potatoes, breads, starches), all grains, ALL processed foods. ANd for the next couple of months, no fruit. Focus mainly on dark, cooked veggies and animal protein. No salads or raw veggies or psyllium husk or other fibers (too much roughage for a very raw gut). As crazy as it sounds, organic baby food might help soothe troubles when you eat. I went for 2 yrs on soups and liquid diets and also used a medicated food powder (Metagenics, available on amazon.com) which are all expensive food options, unless you can grow and puree your own food. You need to remember that as long as you have leaky gut, everything you eat is leaking into your bloodstream, so everything will show up on your tests but only some of these foods are real problematic (glutens, grains, sugars). And you are struggling to get nutrients so everything you eat must be of the highest nutritional value. A good nutritionist will help.
4. Find other "intestinal repair" support like Biogenesis IR Complex, drink organic aloe vera juice.
5. Get on both a local and systemic anti fungal. W/ leaky gut in play, you need to skip the natural antifungals. You'll want to share this dosing guide w/ your MD (or maybe skip the MD and have your ND prescribe) and slowly work up to the highest dose of the nystatin powder you can, according to this website:
www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Nystatin_-_how_to_take_itand then maintain for as long as your prescript
ion lasts. Hit it hard. Your MD won't want to prescribe at these doses but go ahead and increase the dose slowly to 1 teaspoon per day. Once you do, you should have immediate results w/ no side effects (if you do have reactions it is likely die off, as nothing I've ever read indicates side effects from the Nystatin powder, as it is derived from the earth) and you can report that back to her, and beg for more. If you don't get more, you'll have to maintain on the systemic anti fungal until you can get more of the powder, and then titrate back up… I'm skipping over other details so be sure to read my other posts below.
6. And do also start on the systemic anti fungal. Your stool test might indicate if fluconazole or ketoconazole is more effective against the strains you have, or your flora may have changed since your stool test was done. Pick one and try it but note the die off sx, try as much as you can to differentiate them from "side effects" for lyme & co sx/herx. I think this is extremely difficult but kind of important since you're trying to help your MD interpret your reaction to tx as accurately as possible.
7. Your detox w/ leaky gut and y/f overgrowth/tx is now more important than ever. You want to be effective but you also want to go slowly. If you haven't been tested for any DNA mutations that might inhibit methylation/detoxing, you'll want to do this. Let me know or do a search on the forum for "23andme testing" and see my another post below. Whomever you start working w/ on your leaky gut/nutrition issues can also help you figure out how to supplement.
8. Also, when your gut is wrecked, it's very common for your neurotransmitters to be out of balance. If you're experiencing mood imbalances, some of this will be resolved when you knock out the y/f overgrowth. What remains may need support and again, the specialist you're working w/ can do some saliva tests to investigate neurotransmitter levels and how to rebalance.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your digestive system works 24/7. It NEVER gets a minute off. And all throughout the day, it is working and has a different cycle during the night than during the day. In a way, each one of your abx/antimicrobial herbs resets the clock, which is why it is important to stop eating after 7pm, like most nutritionists advise, and for us, to replenish good bacteria before bed, so that overnight it can rebuild itself. So this is also why it's important to take the probiotics EVERY DAY.
OK, I'll stop for now. Please let me know if you have q's… sorry to dump all this on you, but it may be prudent to put your lyme & co tx on hold for a wee bit and get your leaky gut issues addressed and in a good place. Your tx will be more effective in the end.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3412983www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3287783&p=2leaky gut