I find myself practicing very odd neurological behavior throughout my day...
This is just one example... So... i just grabbed the dog food container and walked over to the garbage can...while unscrewing the cap (I keep dog food in plastic container w/lid to keep fresher.)
My instincts whispered "Something is not right here"...So i stopped in my tracks...looked at the garbage can...and realized that... It was not my intention to pour food into the garbage can... it was my intention to put dog food into the dog's bowl!
Other examples... putting ice cream container in the microwave,trying to heat up cold coffee cup in freezer. Needing to stay "vigilant" while driving in order to not make wrong turn or get confused. Needing to use spell checker on continual basis...when i had rarely used it before.
This reminds me of years ago... when i was a full-time caretaker for a woman with Alzheimers... She was heading into the severe end of it... and it could get very intense sometimes... She would decide to cook dinner and get very erratic in the kitchen... it was very frustrating for her... and stressful & heartbreaking for me... trying to protect her from herself.
*And so... i decided to share some of my research that has lead me to develop my plan...
which i had already began working toward a deeper detox. I imagine there will be tweaks
along the way...as i have seen here... the little buggers having tantrums during detox.
Please keep in mind that some of these articles are a bit older... and there is always new info emerging... it is simply a reference point... for further consideration and research."The most startling form of the expression of Lyme disease is a wide variety of neurological illnesses," Dr. K says....
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/05/dr-dietrich-klinghardt-on-lyme-disease.aspxLyme co-infection Borrelia connection...Perhaps the most compelling evidence for Borrelia as a far greater player than previously thought comes from the work of Alan M, MD, who's been studying parallels between Lyme disease and syphilis for the past 30 years. MacDonald found the DNA of Borrelia in seven out of ten brain specimens from people who died of Alzheimer's disease....
articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/10/13/under-our-skin-documentary.aspxAluminum connection... articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/03/22/aluminum-toxicity-alzheimers.aspxEMF connection...Low EMF (turn off all fuses, sleep sanctuary, turquoise light/photon wave to increase melatonin and non-rem Delta sleep)...
articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/dr-klinghardts-treatment-of-lyme-disease.aspxFood connection...articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/07/31/alzheimers-mad-cow-chronic-wasting-disease.aspx