Posted 6/14/2015 1:53 PM (GMT -5)
Alright everybody, I have been lurking the forums but haven't posted much recently. I just wanted to give a quick update to how my treatment is going.
I have been on metronidazole, hydroxychloroquine, and minocycline since January. I have made some improvement but not quite as much as my doctor and I thought we would have. I would guess that I am about 40-50% healed but it's hard to say without knowing what 100% feels like. I still experience mild depersonalization, brain fog, body pain, depression, and crazy anxiety. I am taking a week off my medication and we are switching to azithomycin (sp) and another drug that I guess should hit bart and babs a little harder, which we suspect I might have one or the other. During this week off I had a couple of glasses of wine since I wasn't on the Flagyl anymore but I forgot that just because it doesn't interfere with my medication doesn't mean it's a good idea - definitely feel worse after that.
I have been taking CBD but not as frequently, I just got a kava extract to help with anxiety. I also have an OTC anxiety supplement that works on GABA receptors that I have been taking too much of which gives me rebound anxiety which leads me to take more etc. I have also been using wayyyy too much caffeine to try and get through my work days. I know that isn't helping but I'm so sick of the fatigue.
I just got a new job and now will only be working in the pizza restaurant one day a week instead of 4-5 which should hopefully help since I am very gluten intolerant and there is so much flour in the air there that there is no way I'm not breathing some in and ingesting it.
I have been rock climbing a lot and went to the Boundary Waters for a week so I have been able to do things that make me happy but I am just ready to be done with this. I know many people have it much worse than I do right now though so I am thankful for the health that I do have. I am scared to start new medication and a new job at the same time incase I get hit with any crazy herxes but I am just going to fill in my new boss and hopefully he will understand.
I haven't been detoxing as much as I should be. I used to be good and doing detox baths every day and even went to the FIR sauna twice but I do practically none of that anymore. I am just really busy and when I'm not busy I don't feel like doing even more lyme stuff even though I know it will probably help.
Hope you all are getting healthy on your ends and I can't wait until we are all through with this!