Posted 6/29/2015 5:29 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for your reply, Girlie.
The test is an Igenix test of the tick. I can test the tick for Lyme only for $68, or Lyme and Babesia for $136 or Lyme, Babesia & Bart for $204.
I'm just wondering what you all would do - whether you'd test for Lyme only, or for all 3. I don't think it's common to get infected with Babesia and / or Bart without Lyme, but it IS possible. I don't have a lot of extra money and don't want to spend unnecessary money, but I also don't want to miss something.
I have an appointment with his pediatrician this afternoon to see about getting antibiotics, but she already gave me the "the tick needs to be embedded longer to transmit Lyme", so I'm not sure if she'll prescribe them. I have printouts from ILADS to show her saying this isn't true, and that early treatment is key, so I'm hoping I can convince her to do 4 weeks of antibiotics.