May 20 got my first Lyme Test results back:
Western Blot IgG: Non-Reactive
IgM: Weakly Reactive
My family doctor got a letter that it wasn't a reportable case because the Western Blot was only Weakly Reactive and I needed to re do test in 4-6 weeks. (ridiculous, because I got a positive ELISA and reacted on the Western Blot) So I did the test again 5 weeks later just to prove to the doctor really. I did the test again a week after finishing 3 weeks of Doxyciline and just got my results back Negative for it all.
I'm scheduled to see my LLND for first time on Wednesday to start treatment.
From my research taking the test a week after doing 3 weeks of antibiotics would make a negative test result.
I have the cold sore virus and had a bout of it at the first test, could this of caused the positive?
Input Please!
Ps. Have not been feeling well for 5 1/2 years.
Post Edited (JessicaMommy) : 7/7/2015 12:37:45 PM (GMT-6)