Posted 7/10/2015 11:28 AM (GMT -5)
Having lived with this for so long - I say no. But I have a different perspective.
Sorry Moonflower - I have no desire to make you feel bad - this is just the way I see it after having had 2 children of my own and breastfeeding them for as long as my chronically ill body would.
You have to consider that in circumstances where the mother has gone through pregnancy and has already started breastfeeding, that the baby has now has been possibly exposed to two different means of passing these infections along - both in utero and through breast milk. So the chances that the child has Lyme as well at that point is even higher.
Both of my kids that I delivered have ended up somehow not having these infections - but I also raised them on no processed foods (literally) - everything they ate/drank was homemade, except the most basic things of course, like water, wheat, sugar (for making jams and a few goodies along the way) - but we did buy whole wheat 'berries' and grind it ourselves for a long while too. They had fresh meat, eggs, milk, and even water too- straight from our little farm. So I think that while they may have been born with it, raising them like this helped to strengthen their immune systems to the point that they conquered it. That's the only explanation I can come up with anyway, as to why they are healthy now at ages (gulp!) 29 & 31. (<--- how did that happen???? I surely don't feel old enough to have kids that old! LOL!)