I finally had the long awaited consult with the Dr. from NY at a very renown research center for lyme. I already had a positive from an Igenix IGM **31 kDa +, **41 kDa IND, **83-93 kDa * & an Igenix positive IGM - **23-25 +, **39 +, **41 IND, **83-93 +.
My LLMD (very well known) in Sam Fran said that was more than enough and swore to me it was proof I have it. I'm trying to make plans to find treatment in a place that beleives it exists and can help!
These guys were supposed to be good (and very expensive) and they said their tests from the East Coast from Stoney Brook labs came back neg with no CDC (I never had a CDC poss. anyway), and I can take their word based on lab results I don't have it. They say I am very depressed and should go on depression meds like symbalta and Prozac, etc.... Sorry, I'm rantim
ng. I just told my whole family, my church, my doctors, everyone that the cause of the illness everyone can see is lyme, now I'm supposed to beleive it's all in my head...depression?? They said that the positive titers all came from a lab that is known for it's mistakes and is unproven.
Also, the Spect study that found a great deal of neurological damage and inflamation is an experiment lab and not trustworthy either.
Meanwhile I spent all day in emergency on tuesday and overnight until weds night and almost coded because they did'nt give me proper treatment until almost too late!! There is something wrong now with my organs (poss. pancrease) and they don't want to see it. They keep calling it a heart problem and all those tests are normal! Some of the others for liver and pancrease and sleen are not...just not really high..
Sigh, sorry for ranting people. Has anyone else run up against this? What should I do? I'm getting sicker and in more pain.