Well, I see a LLND (I'm in Canada - no LLMD's here) - and he prescribes antibiotics, and also supports the herbal treatments...so he knows about
Also, there are a lot of us on here who are taking herbals along with antibiotics...so we can ask questions of each other.
Always keep in mind that we aren't Doctors, though...so if unsure, you should ask your Dr.
There are lots of good detox methods and support ideas for your body while treating:
- drink 8 glasses of water daily
- squeeze fresh lemon juice into some glasses (drink through straw, to not ruin the teeth)
- take warm epsom salt baths
- dry-brush your skin before the baths
- Take milk thistle seed extract - for liver support
- Limit stress
- Get lots of sleep
- light exercise
- lots of probiotics for healthy gut
There are lots of detox ideas in the "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" thread...take a look for more.
Here is a link to one of the herbal protocols:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/Another - Byron White: (you can only buy the products through a Practitioner.)
byronwhiteformulas.com/Another - Cowden protocol: