I'm so terribly sorry to hear this Margaret!! It's been tough on you lately. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
I did find this:"Dogs with babesiosis often present with moderate to severe hemolytic anemia and clinical illness characterized by fever, anorexia, depression, pallor, splenomegaly, and a bounding pulse. However, disease is considered uncommon in healthy, spleen-intact adult dogs in the United States."
www.capcvet.org/capc-recommendations/canine-babesiosis1/And you might want to read this - it has a lot of good information in it too:
healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2012/07/30/vaccine-causes-autoimmune-hemolytic-anemia.aspx If you think I can be of help, please let me know!! I truly understand how much your pups mean to you. I'm the same way with my own pups.