I received this today:
"It will just take a minute!! We need a flood, a surge, and tsunami of public passion!...This bill will live or die based on how many of us do this.
Click on quick link below to ask U.S. Senators to support and co-sponsor a bill that would establish an advisory committee and give federal funds to Lyme and tick-borne disease prevention, education and research.
You can read the bill text or not. It's all there. Just put in your zip code.
If you can't think of a message, just tell them you have Lyme or your mother has it or your kids and ask them to co-sponsor S. 1503. If you want to say more, go ahead. The aides who get these emails will keep a tally and report to the Senator, "We got 2 emails, 10 emails, 50 emails, 100 asking you to support S. 1503. Let's give them thousands!"
Numbers count!! It only takes a minute, but may mean we can help save more lives down the road. Let's fight for this one like we've never fought before."
Post Edited (happyjo) : 8/28/2015 11:15:17 AM (GMT-6)