Posted 8/27/2015 8:44 PM (GMT -5)
So sorry CCmama - I would like to share my opinion since all of my kids had lyme.
They were not born with it, but still, its the same approach.
I would definitely start treatment. Even if he didn't have symptoms. This is because lyme is very sneaky. What are lyme symptoms in kids? With your child, yes, having headaches at the age of 4 and a twitching eyelid is a little off the charts.
My youngest, who was 3 at the time, started wetting her bed after she was trained. Ok, so she took a step back, it was just a "stage". But her urine was causing her butt to get a severe rash - red flag for me, but most moms would be like, its just a diaper rash thing......she threw up a few times out of the blue.....ah just the stomach bug. She had a fever, was diagnosed with bronchitis...ok, normal upper respiratory infection......was sleeping late alot - so she is growing.....the list goes on and on. With most kids, lyme "symptoms" can be every day symptoms. They don't always stand out. The only reason why I figured out my daughter had lyme was because I had lyme and I recognized a pattern with everything (as we all know, lyme goes in cycles).
And another clue for me was what happened to you. When she had bronchitis she took amoxicillin (and we were treating lyme without realizing it). Two days after she stopped her 10 day course she spiked a fever and threw up. Huge red flag.....
I got her into the Dr asap and he started her on amoxicillin. she was also on AL complex. Did she herx? Yes, but honestly it was not nearly as bad as my herxes. When children are that young, even the Dr said, they don't herx like adults, and he was right. My little one got cranky, slept alot, her rash got worse, and that just about summed it up. I am not saying that your little guy will have it that easy, but it is definitely easier for the kids. He will probably get cranky, sleep alot, his headaches may worsen, and his eyelid may twitch, and he may get more twitches throughout his body, and just may wet his bed too...all possiblities....
last but not least - if you do not treat him now, lyme can eventually affect his speech, cognitive thinking, handwriting, etc. You are very lucky you figured it out, because most kids go undiagnosed for a very long time.
I know this is so frightening, but we are here for you!!!