Sorry for the reason you're here but glad you found us.
You may be familiar with ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) - they are cutting edge for Lyme diagnosis and treatment.
While ILADS has the latest (2014) guidelines on their website, I find those created in 2008 by one of the ILADS founder easier to read.
You'll find antibiotic choices and recommended doses along with other useful information here:
www.ilads.org/lyme/B_guidelines_12_17_08.pdfTruly, Lyme and its coinfections are clinically diagnosed - based upon symptoms. Many symptoms overlap so it takes an experienced, Lyme-literate practitioner which I understand is hard to find in the UK.
You might want to consider following an herbal protocol that addresses the coinfections. Buhner created a few protocols that you can review here:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/And, if interested, it would be best to buy his books which have the latest protocols.
The Cowden protocol also addresses the coinfections:
www.nutramedix.ec/ns/index.phpBuhner lists herb sources as well as herbalists on his site and, once again, updated info is in his books. The Cowden products can be bought from Nutramedix direct (more expensive) or on Amazon...or from www.pureformulas.com
Have you read the "New to Lyme? Start Here!" thread yet? It's full of great information including symptoms lists, testing information and detox suggestions.
Detox is an important aspect of healing since treatment obviously results in the death of the bacteria. Well, the bacteria release toxins when they die and that is the cause of our symptoms. The site I'm linking below has some great suggestions for detox.
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlQuestion of the day....are you dealing with any symptoms?
If yes, ILADS recommends treating for 2 months past complete resolution of symptoms. Therefore, even if you're not dealing with any symptoms now, you'd need to continue to treat as mentioned if you develop any symptoms during treatment.
Best of luck to you moving forward!
Please continue to post with any questions you might have and we'll do our best to answer them. We're all in this together.