Evanston1 said...
Sebreg- I've done the Hocatt. I did it a few times and found it to be very beneficial! However.... one side effect to be aware of it that some people can develop an "ozone rash" from the Hocatt. I, of course, was one of those people. It was brutal and not to be taken lightly. Took me six weeks to get rid of it. Flaming red, super itchy, very uncomfortable. The only thing that helped was super potency topical steroid cream.
I am considering trying it again and starting very slowly this time. Instead of starting at 20 minutes, I'll start at five minutes and wait a week before I do the next session.
I'm interested in rectal insufflation but concerned that it will kill all the good bacteria in my gut too. I've been working so hard on building that back up.
Do you feel the rife machine is no longer helping you move forward in your recovery?
Hi Evanston1! thanks for the info!!! Glad to hear Hocatt seemed to be good for you but sorry about
the rash, thanks for letting me know to keep an eye for that. Rifing is going well, I'm just not sure it can get me all the way there, I see it as a very good part of the puzzle though and will continue doing it!!!