I think you are extremely wise to educate yourself PeteZa!! Way to go! It's your body and you are your own best advocate for your health.
Everyone listed good books though I have not read all of them.
I also recommend "Healing Lyme" by Stephen Buhner (does not matter if it's the old book because it has so much great information)...
Of course I am going to recommend "Beating Lyme Disease" by Dr. David Jernigan because that's the protocol I followed from his book and became healed with no relapses after 9 years!!
I don't know if his book is on Amazon but it's on the www.hansacenter.com website under books:
Duh, I just took a peek at Amazon and the softcover is about
www.amazon.com/Beating-Lyme-Disease-Second-Edition/dp/0967462339/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&refRid=09470YYMYXHGFJ89H8H8&dpid=5134-3z6j%2BL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR212%2C320_Good luck!