Traveler said...
Jernigans herbs are already in tincture form!!! No making it, only taking it. There is a phone number you can call or you can email them. Or see if Dr. Sara has it!
Yes, I knew they were already in tincture form. :) **grin**
I was referring to something else you mentioned in the previous post, LOL.
Thanks- do you know if what Dr. David J uses for lyme is same/comparable to Dr. Sara J's? I remember the folks here saying (I THINK) that they were almost the same protocols, just a different order for one of the tinctures (smthg like that!). In any case I will go again and have a look at Dr. Sara's page.
Thanks for helping, I am just reading, researching and trying so hard to figure this out. :) Want to do the right thing of course. No one seems to be like me symptom-wise except Volyme. She and I correspond a little since she contacted me about
Maybe Jernigan's is a good move-- I am already on her Neuro- Antitox... going to go read more.
TY all so much...