There are many, many herbals that will help.
We are fortunate enough the Buhner has narrowed a good grouping down for us to start with.
He really is a very intelligent man.
Looking forward to his revised Lyme book.
It's so strange, though, how the herbals affect each person differently. Some get great responses to - no response. Keep aware of this.
For instance, i never noticed an improvement in any way w/ my neuro issues using Kudzu.
I used it for a long time, but there was never any difference with or without it.
Yet, there are many others that were extremely effective.
Glad to hear this protocol is bringing you hope.
Buhner introduces herbals many of us who only knew Big Pharma & a few supplements & vitamins pre-lyme.
I will forever be indebted to him for this amazing life-long information regarding the power of herbals.
Best to you :)
Post Edited (Usedtogarden) : 10/16/2015 8:54:49 AM (GMT-6)