Posted 10/17/2015 6:00 PM (GMT -5)
I'll tell this story in bullet-pointed style...
*1995-three sisters go camping in Crater Lake, Oregon
*1995 camping trip, sister #3(the youngest) gets a 'spider' bite that results in bullseye rash=no Dr.or hospital trip, NO treatment... even still!!!
*YEARS later- 2004 the sisters go to Vegas, all 3 fell ill from Infected bottled water
* also in 2004, sister #1(me), & sister #2 go camping/hunting in the Mammoth Lakes, California area.
* sister #2 graduates nursing school and works for only ONE & 1/2 yr as an E.R. nurse, before getting
diagnosed in 2008, w/Neuro Lyme and MANY co-infections- was having seizures. She also found ticks on her, her son, and husband EVERY year they hunted in the Sierra/Nevada mountain range.
* 2014-sister #1(me), gets diagnosed w/Lyme and co's, after ten years in-n-out of many Dr's appts only to be told, "its just allergies, GERD, food intolerance, & then hypothyroidism". Between sister #2's diagnosis in 2008 & 2014, I listened to her 'rants' about Lyme, but I continued to believe my MD!
*sister #2-the nurse(diagnosed 2008) & treated SIX years before sister #1, but is now STILL quite ill after SIX years of antibiotics. She's now discovered that six years of MAJOR struggle w/treatments ALL DUE to the mthfr gene mutations. She has MANY health issues that arose from antibiotics OVERUSE, and now has antibiotic resistance so it's likely that when she gets an acute life-threatening bacterial infection, that antibiotics will not work.
* sister #1(me), began herbal treatment one year ago, before discovering the gene mutation. I had an acute infection last month of a Salmonella strain that is typically antibiotics resistant, but recovered w/antibiotics because I havent overused antibiotics. I'm feeling MUCH better since treating the mthfr issue, and ceasing Lyme & Co treatments
* Sister #3-Here's the VERY interesting finale to this 'sisters comp'... remember sister #3 who got a bite, with a bullseye rash back in 1995, & hasn't ever sought treatment? She still works full-time, is a mother, wife, and takes care of others; however she has psoriasis, chrones, and arthritis=LYME disease?
* sister #3 is half sister of sisters #1 & 2. She is just now seeking alternative health options, but her health is NOT CHRONIC or even debilitating. She doesn't have the gene mutation!!!!
My conclusion is that the gene mutation is #1 in determining whether a Lymie can recover at all, let alone recover with longterm antibiotics. Sister #3, who never got treatment is by far the healthiest. Sister #2, who got the SO-called best antibiotics treatment is the worse off-I'm somewhere in the middle!!!