Hi All!
How wonderful to find this wonderful forum, after trying other groups, this one sounds most helpful!!
I've been sick & on disability & medicaid for 25 yrs. being diagnosed with CFIDS/ME & fibromyalgia.
Just this last yr. read the Horowitz book on auto Immune diseases, took a standard Western blot with 3 positive
bands & told I didn't have Lyme, but as we know even 1 band indicates Lyme & co-infections.
I'm in an HMO that won't take blood for Igenx, since not affiliated.
I've been looking for an LLMD near me in midtown NYC. I'm aware they probably wont take my insurance & will have to pay out of pocket, but need to find one to get proper bloodwork & have someone oversee the whole process.
Have been doing some detox with a homeopath & not as flulike, but still mostly in bed with all the symptoms...
I'm so grateful to all those before me to help us novices
Thank you so much in advance for any leads...
Much gratitude & blessings & vibrant health to you all...
Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 11/21/2015 2:54:09 PM (GMT-7)