Posted 12/10/2015 12:13 PM (GMT -5)
My brain fog is making me crazy. I've been on antibiotics for four months and am taking a slew of herbal supplements, but it just won't go away! It's like I am stuck in state of being zoned out. I sometimes have to shake my head to focus and not be in a daze. Is this really lyme? I'm worried that I might have some other kind of sickness - parasites, or worms…It came on very suddenly - one night, I just started feeling this way, I went to bed early and it hasn't gone away sense.
Background Info:
I am 26 years old. I don't remember a tick bite, I don't remember a flu, and I never had the bulls-eye rash.
I was diagnosed with lyme via Igenex, positive IFA and IGM, negative IGG. Negative standard testing (ELISA and Western blot). Because the first few tests were negative, I still worry that maybe this isn't lyme and I am ruining my body with antibiotics for nothing.
Early Symptoms:
Irregular menstrual cycles almost all my life, but especially recently (I haven't had a period in months)
Mild rashes around eyes for months, couldn't figure out the cause.
Constant post-nasal drip for two years, mild.
Burning pain in upper abdomen after eating certain foods (later realized it was gluten sensitivity)
Intense skin itching but no rash, especially on calves and arms.
Irritability, mood swings, depression (out of nowhere)
Later symptoms:
Hands go totally numb at night (one time my leg also went numb)
Dizziness and light sensitivity
Muscle weakness (started in right leg, almost felt heavy, but is now mostly my arms.