Not everyone experiences an increase in symptoms during a full moon, and some find that they experience symptoms during a new moon also or instead of during a full moon. Some find that their symptoms increase during the days before the full/new moon, some only experience increased symptoms the day of, and some experience them in the days following the full/new moon.
In the beginning, my symptoms were so bad all the time that I didn't notice the increases during these times. Then as I started to heal, I could feel that my symptoms increased during certain times, but it took me a while to connect it to the full moon phase. That's when I realized that I would have increasing symptom starting 3 days before the full moon, the day of the full moon and then for 3 days after the full moon.
The best defense is to rest and learn to delegate!! Don't try to cook that big Christmas day dinner all by yourself, if you are having others over, ask them to bring some things - even if they will have to use the kitchen for cooking or reheating. Ask others to help in cleaning, setting the table and more!! The more you ask, the more it because a family tradition and the less you will suffer in the following days!
If you are one of those that has these patterns, not everyone does or can feel it, about
all you can do is plan for it. Schedule as little as you can for you personally to have to do during this time (get help!), rest as much as you can and of course, and increase what you do to help your body detox during those times.
I hope this week isn't too hard on any one of you!! Remember, get help with things!!!