Ya know, it makes me sad to hear of people accepting Fibro as a diagnosis - it's not. It's a catch-all phrase for a certain constellation of symptoms that often has a treatable cause.....very often, that cause is hypothyroidism; and it could also be Lyme.
Here's some info about
"fibro" and hypothyroidism:
www.thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/related_conditions/Fibromyalgia-medical-mystery-solved.htmlOne of the main problems with hypothyroidism diagnosis is that it very often doesn't happen when it should. Why? Because all too many doctors look at "normal" (aka in-range) thyroid test results and declare the patient "normal" when he/she is anything but.
How does this happen? Well, labs create reference ranges based upon the blood draws they do. Sick people get blood drawn most often. Lab ranges are skewed towards unhealthy levels.
And, too many doctors were taught in medical school that the TSH test is the gold standard for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease. TSH is a pituitary hormone and looking at its level in the blood is like looking at the odometer in attempts at figuring out how much gas is in your tank.
Thyroid-savvy doctors know to check the actual levels of thyroid hormone....and they know the types of levels healthy people have.
Yes, there are other possible causes of fibro as listed in the link below....and I think they ALL should be explored before anyone accepts a fibro diagnosis and a life of living in pain.
hypothyroidmom.com/10-root-causes-of-fibromyalgia-3-is-thyroid/(it's too bad Lyme and Co's didn't make it to the list....)