There is no place on the internet that can be sure of not giving misinformation, simply because there is so much misinformation out there about
these infections, and it keeps changing as new information comes out, showing that the old information was wrong. It can be tough to keep up sometimes, believe me!!
I'm so sorry that you got some misinformation from this site. We really do try hard to make sure that only good information is presented here, yet still remain
open to new thoughts.
The peroxide in the bath will help increase the oxygen in your blood, and help cleanse the skin some too (remember, we are pushing toxins through it all the time), so it's a good thing to use, and makes a lot of difference for a lot of people.
My experience has been that I could use full body soaks if I only used Epsom salt, but if I added peroxide, I could only tolerate foot soaks.