orchid_rain said...
...Just want to say, GREAT advice CD! I found it very useful myself
Yay - double bonus :)
Please don't ever feel discouraged about
increasing herbs slowly. They can still be quite effective at low doses.
I was able to transition from the full Cowden protocol to Buhner's Lyme protocol rather easily....probably because there were similarities with the herbs and I had been treating Lyme for almost one year at that point.
The concurrent transition to Buhner's Babs and Bart protocols took longer - especially with the Babs herbs since I never treated for Babs and obviously have it or a Bab-like infection.
I started all 3 protocols in August of last year and was only up to 8 drops each of the Babs/Bart herbs in early December.....earlier attempts at increasing resulted in herxing that impacted my life too much.
Almost miraculously, I was able to increase from that point forward and got up to the 1/4 - 1/2 tsp 3x daily doses of the Babs/Bart herbs by mid-December.
Even with that slower start, I experienced improvements.
I was at 90% when I went off abx and that 90% was maintained after almost 6 months on the full Cowden protocol and a lot of herxing.
Low doses of Buhner's Babs and Bart protocols along with full doses of his Lyme protocol brought me to 98% in just 4 months.
Slow and steady wins the marathon.