It's a good idea to use of variety of methods that support the body's various detoxification systems: lymph, liver, kidneys, skin.
The following link has quite the comprehensive list of detoxing methods with explanations for each one: idea is to slowly build a detoxing protocol that you use daily. You'll find that a step-by-step approach works well with these infections.
Since you are at step one with detoxing, I suggest you pick one thing from the link that you think you can do daily and just get started. If you continue to add one thing per week, for example, you'll eventually have an effective detoxing protocol going.
Truly, since the average American is exposed to easily over 300 toxins every day, it's really a good idea to continue to detox even after we're healed. This can mean things as simple as drinking enough water each day, epson salt baths once in awhile, dry skin brushing, etc.
Um....I don't call over 18 months treating a new infection to be pretty quick lol
Congrats on the symptoms elimination you've experienced thus far! That's tremendous, really.
Have you been diagnosed with any coinfections?