We use:
Organic cilantro tincture (Flower Fairy Herbals)(4 drops 3x daily, 8am 3pm 9pm),
Diatomaceous earth (instead of pascalite)(1 tsp at 10 am, 1 tsp at 5 pm),
Psyllium (1/2 tbsp. at 5 pm mixed with the 1 tsp DE) to keep things moving
1 clove raw garlic at 3 pm
MSM (source of organic sulphur)(1/4 tsp 2x daily, 8am and 9pm)
Biosil (orthosilicic acid)(3 drops 2x daily, 8am and 9pm)
Magnesium citrate (600 mg daily with 150 mg at 8am and 3pm and 300 mg at 9pm)
Vit C (ascorbic acid) (1000 mg 3x daily at 8am, 3pm and 9pm)
www.drdavidwilliams.com/cilantro-clay-for-detoxification/www.healingdaily.com/oral-chelation.htmwww.secondopinionnewsletter.com/Health-alert-Archive/View-Archive/1325/Major-Breakthrough-in-Multiple-Sclerosis-Research.htmarticles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/03/03/msm-benefits.aspxDo not overdose on the cilantro. When metals are mobilized too quickly, the body will allow yeast to florish in the gut (which sequesters the metal and keeps it from being reabsorbed across the intestinal lining). I learned this one from experience.
Mercola recommends MSM for detoxing metals and Klinghardt recommends BioSil for detoxing aluminum.