Tillybear said...
Means it wouldn't surprise me if 'they' said they found it to try and deflect some of the growing lyme 'conspiracies'.
All we know is what we know, otherwise it's really what someone tells us.
Well, very true, but the thing is that Lyme was around long before there was an "outbreak" in the East in the early 1980's, as I was infected in California in 1970.
The fact that they found DNA from Borrelia shouldn't surprise any of us really. Roaches have been around longer than that!
As Georgia Hunter said, it's very possible that they were trying to see if they could weaponize it, and in trying, ended up creating a very prolific strain (why else would the CDC be tracking only one of 300 strains?), but that "they" created Lyme isn't true at all.
The fact that science has made leaps and bounds in all kinds of way in the last 30 years accounts for all the new discoveries. The "Science industry" is really slowing down lately due to lack of funds - my daughter is deep into the science field is how I know this - and so the discoveries are slowing down again. But even with that, we are making progress. Heck, as I said earlier, Dr. Alan MacDonald has developed a DNA probe that can 100% identify 2 strains of Borrelia - no Western Blot needed! That's an amazing discovery too.
And, Science has to be looking for new bacteria in order to find them. It makes perfect sense that we are "suddenly" finding new strains - our voices are being heard
finally!!!!!. I've been yelling about
this stuff for the last
9 years - so for me it's loooong over due!!
As Rowingmom said - To believe that something doesn't exist because we can't physically see it is a serous flaw in mainstream medicine/science. We are going back to believing the earth is flat at that point.