We have a 14 yo DS who started in November 2015 on doxy daily for one month, prescribed by pediatrician after positive Lyme test and Lyme arthritis plus many other symptoms. I also gave him a lot of herbs that month which may have made him herx even more. Anyway, we figured out he was bit in Oct 2014. The month of doxy was brutal for him and it became apparent as new symptoms surfaced that he had co-infections. After much research and talking with him about
what he wanted to do, we decided to go primarily the antibiotic route (although he is using some herbs on this protocol) with a well known LLMD in our city that treats pediatrics (not always easy to find). He is now pulsing several antibiotics to hit his infections at various stages. He also tested high for mycoplasma and has suspected babesia and is in treatment for those. He's on mino, flagyl and cefdinar plus was on one other Dec-Feb that I can't remember the name of, in addition to the babesia treatment he recently started.
Good luck with your decisions. Hope this helps. It is so hard to figure out the path to take and it can change at any time. I would say, from our limited experience, you can learn a lot by how they are responding to the antibiotics - feeling better or getting much worse/new symptoms.
I started a website - some sections still under development -
ParentsofLymeKids.comPost Edited (yancync) : 3/2/2016 3:21:11 PM (GMT-7)