Chapelle said...
hi kitkate - I am so so sorry. I suffered several miscarriages too - supposedly due to genetics, but I am not sure if lyme played a role in the last one. Traveler - how did you know it was lyme that caused your miscarriages?
I was a very lucky young lady (I was only 20) back then. I had a OB/GYN that cared enough to find out why, at 16 weeks I would suddenly miscarry a child. They took the baby and examined it thoroughly and determined there were no physical reasons with the child that would have caused my body to abort. My doc then did ultrasounds, blood tests and such to see if he could determine why my body wouldn't/couldn't carry a child full term (that was my 3rd miscarriage) and couldn't find any reasons. Of course, Lyme was never once considered either. Would have been the perfect time to check too. Oh well, hindsight is the only one that's 20/20.
This same doctor followed me through my next pregnancy and when I started spotting at 6 months, he ordered complete bed rest (not cool!!!). At 7 months along, I suddenly went into labor. I was admitted to the hospital (spent Christmas eve/Christmas day there) and then again for New Year's Eve I was admitted again for preterm labor. I finally had my baby girl on February 9th. I carried her a full 10 months. I carried my second child a full 10 months as well and had to be induced both times. So my issues continued on.
I was a complete mystery to my OB/GYN's. They had no idea what was going on with my body and why it was doing things so weird. My labor and delivery were incredibly hard as well, but I surely don't want to post a horror story on here, so I'll leave that out. I assume those issues were due to having Lyme and company for 13 years by the time I had my daughter, 15 years by the time I had my son.