Posted 3/8/2016 5:49 PM (GMT -5)
I"m so sorry, but the ID doc results are not at all surprising. They can't recognize chronic Lyme or they will be turning their back on the rest of their professional group. I have a TON of respect for any ID doc that goes and gets ILADS training and follows through with it.
I would suggest that you hold off on the dental implants if you can. Installing them is very stressful on the body and your body is already under a lot of stress with these infections. And I may be wrong, but didn't you just have surgery? That's a lot for a body to handle.
I had 3 dental implants placed in my lower jaw last summer and my body took a hard hit with it. It's not just the surgery, but for me the lack of foods that I could eat afterwards since it was my whole lower jaw that they had worked on. I had to do liquids the first week and a half while my incision site closed up, then soft foods that I could squish with my tongue only for the next 3 week. That was my experience, and although you may not have that same experience, you should know that it could be pretty rough for a while.
I just had a good cry with my little long haired Chihuahua today, and my other dogs and cat are often around to comfort me when things feel like they are just too much.
You don't have your email enabled or I would just email you to ask if you have a safe place to live. I don't have the resources to help, but I do have some resources to help you find help. With no income you would likely qualify for some financial help, but it may only be with pharma abx, I'm not sure.
If you would like to connect and see if any of the information that I have will be of help to you - please just email me!