I always see the big three (Lyme/Bart/Babesia) as the suggested culprits with all of the ailments and symptoms we are plagued with, but I want to share with you where my unique path is heading...to see if others like me are out there?
I've had decades of illness, but last summer is when my body self-destructed. 20 years of GI issues were unbearable (stomach swelling with any food, diarrhea many times a day, etc.) and I discovered I had flaring Hashimoto's (TSH 24, TPO antibodies 1108, constant racing pulse over 100 and BP spikes). My body would not tolerate any thyroid meds and to this day, I have taken none....yet my autoimmune thyroid issues are GONE. I have not had the moolah to test, but I have no feelings at all of thyroid symptoms....even my hair looks better!
I worked backwards to Lyme, so I did a parasite cleansing first (ADP oregano by Biotics Research) and it changed my life. GI issues? No more swelling and I could eat whatever I wanted (which I assumed had all been food allergens). My pulse calm and steady as a rock...never use my pulse meter anymore, which I carried around my neck. Basically, most of my most debilitating symptoms disappeared.
I still have the chronic back pain and some neuro issues, so I do think there is a pathogen party going on still. But I recently decided to move Yersinia to ride shotgun on my journey, and put the other big guys in the back seat for a while (still doing Buhner protocols, just putting energy into Yersinia).
I had heard of yersinia and hashimoto's, but it was when IgeneX recently showed positive band 41 (and 58) that Yersinia came into the picture once more.
The article below is something I read a long time ago, which puts the #2 cause of Hashimoto's as yersinia...but IgeneX brought me back to it because band 41 can be cross reactive with yersinia. I couldn't dismiss this coincidence.
hypothyroidmom.com/hashimotos-disease-the-infection-connection/Then there are the symptoms - I had been stuck in the big 3 mode, so assumed Bart, but the article below shows not only the terrible GI symptoms but also the arthritic pain of yersinia...in the back...where my problems are the worst.
www.glutenfreeremedies.com/yersinia-enterocolitica/My point is that I feel so fortunate that I tried general parasitic cleansing first, before discovering the Lyme world, because of the symptom relief. Yersinia symptoms fall under the umbrella of Lyme symptoms, and I could have missed this treatment if I had assumed they were Lyme.
I may be a rare, unique case? But I was wondering why there is always a push for the big 3 but not so much on mycoplasma, yersinia and other pathogens which can cause so much illness? Could those who don't feel completely healed possibly be missing their top infection?
Again, I don't think I "just" have yersinia based on the chronic odd illnesses I've had for decades, but I have put Oregano back in my treatment mix because I think my response to it shows it was a big health problem for me.
Thanks for listening - love to hear your thoughts!
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 3/9/2016 12:05:59 PM (GMT-7)