The thing is, and I'm not alone in this thinking, to avoid "feeding the bugs" by denying the body the things it needs, will only lead to a much greater deficit for the body. We've had this discussion on the different things that Borrelia uses several times over the years that I've been here.
The first time was when it was discovered that Borrelia used manganese, not iron like other bacteria. Members were trying to figure out what to avoid to keep from "feeding" the bacteria, but the bacteria will scavenge the body to find what it needs to survive - and we certainly can't kill ourselves or make our bodies weaker in order to kill the bacteria. We already know that our body must be at the most healthy (or heartily supported) in order to heal.
The subject here is mycoplasma and the use of arginine, but the thoughts are the same: "Here is the skinny on mycoplasmas and arginine: many mycoplasmas take arginine from the body to grow. THINK about
IT: many mycoplasmas take arginine from the body to grow. WE, their human hosts, NEED arginine to be healthy.
The mycoplasmas are going to get arginine no matter what. In fact what they do is scavenge if from your body’s tissues. That depletes your body of that substance and believe me, it is a crucial substance that you really do need. Some websites share horror stories about
FEEDING the mycoplasmas if you take L-arginine.
No matter what they will get it one way or another, so it matters not, for them, if you take a supplement or not. However FOR YOU, it is rather crucial to keep your arginine levels high since it is essential to your healthy functioning. Further, a number of mycoplasmas are actually sensitive to arginine, it can reduce their numbers in the body.
So no matter what, you should be taking an L-arginine supplement or else eating foods high in arginine. Several score peer reviewed journal papers have noted that the only way to resolve cellular problems in infected mycoplasma cells is TO REPLACE THE ARGININE. So, yes, take the arginine. And the milk thistle is good to take as well."
Buhner's site usually makes posts like this in one big block, so I added spacing is the only way I altered this answer.