Jimmy Moore presenter. Used ketogenic diet to lose 180# and get off his various medications. Author of several books, blogger and podcaster.
Q: where did ketogenic diet come from in your life?
A: Mother in law gave me a diet book for Christmas. Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. Paradigm shifting ideas.
(lots of talk about
dieting, how it doesn't work, low fat is terrible, Atkins background, etc)
ketogenic diet:
Causes weight loss for starters.
The mental health benefits alone are a reason to do this since the brain wants healthy fats/ketones to fuel itself not carbs. Ketones make the brain thrive.
You don't think about
food anymore since you are satisfied by what you eat, healthy fats, moderate protein and low carbs. If you are hungry that's your body screaming at you to feed it nutrients.
Saturated fat does not cause your arteries to clog up contrary to common brainwashing.
Too much protein can turn into sugar once your calorie/nutrient needs are met. Fat won't, it'll burn.
Most of the population are obeying the authorities and are walking around being sugar burners. When you are a sugar burner your body is fueled by glucose. Not a bad thing per se but when you get an excess of glucose you raise insulin levels which is the fat storing hormone. Insulin takes the glucose and hammers it into the cells. Too much sugar and the insulin can't keep up. So unfettered sugar stays in the blood stream. That's the problem being a sugar burner.
So replace the sugars, some of the carbs and some of the protein (because it turns into sugar) with healthy fat. Then you will be a fat burner and a byproduct of that is ketones.
Ketones are not dangerous unless you are a Type 1 diabetic who eats a high carb meal and doesn't take their insulin. (long descript
ion of why this is a bad idea, dont' do it period.) If a Type 1 diabetic eats ketogenic diet, their blood sugar goes down to more normal levels.
ketoacidosis (diabetic issue) is different than nurtritional ketosis which is healthy and good.
Controlling blood sugar hence insulin, is a top priority for brain health and also for aging. Ketogenic is anti-aging and anti-inflammation.
Q: you mention '1 to 3' in the nutritional ketosis zone. What does that mean?
A: There are 3 different ketones in the body.
1. Acetoacetate is in the urine and is what is measured by the urine test strips. We use it to measure ketosis at first but after a couple weeks the body gets efficient at using ketones and the test strips will show no ketones, which make people think they are out of ketosis when they really aren't. Acetoacetate can turn into
2. Beta-hydroxybutarate which is the one that can be measured in the blood and there are test meters on the market to use. It's expensive for the strips, though. My website shows how to find the strips cheaper.
3. Acetone is in the breath and there is a meter to test for that, called Ketonix.
If you want precision to know how much ketosis you are in, test the blood, if a yes/no is fine, use the Ketonix breath tester.
Q: what's the best way to get off the sugar diet and into the ketosis diet?
A: honestly you just have to suck it up and do it. I don't mean to sound cruel but people are so addicted to carb-age that you have to make yourself do this at first. When you have a carb craving, take some cheddar cheese, spread some butter on it and eat it, the carb craving goes away, it really does.
No better way to start ketosis than fasting for 3 days. It's not as hard as you might think. The benefits you feel once you are there are worth the pain of starting out.
Use bone broth with sea salt during the fasting days. It keeps your electrolytes in balance which is essential. Drink plenty of water and also kombucha and other strategies. (Is writing a book about
Food is everywhere and we're bombarded by eat, eat, eat,eat. I'm saying 'stop'.
Fueling your body with the stored fat is much better for athletes and many are now doing this way of eating.
Q: is there a benefit to take a 'carb' day or higher protein day during ketogenic diet?
A: not if you are insulin resistant which makes it harder to stay in ketosis, but others based on ketone testing can do this.
Q: what are your favorite snacks?
A: If you have to snack you aren't doing keto correctly. If you get enough fat you aren't hungry. But I do like raw almonds, macadamia nuts, pili nuts (high fat nut). I take those when traveling long trips.
Lyme disease can really be helped by a ketogenic diet. Tim Ferris got lyme and the ketogenic diet has helped him immensely.
The Ketogenic Cookbook
Post Edited (Tillybear) : 4/5/2016 9:30:14 PM (GMT-6)