k07 said...
Another crazy thing I read about the other day is in an old interview with Letterman and Michael J. Fox where he says that he "got the Lyme" prior to Parkinsons. I couldn't find the actual clip of the interview though, just a transcript.
Interesting. They say many things thought of as "standalone" illness are actually not. They are symptoms and the root cause is bacterial infections. Whether it's lyme and co. or something else.
There's all kinds of bacteria and parasites in our bodies, they can help us or hurt us. Keeping the bad ones in check reduces or completely prevents these illnesses (including cancers).
There's definitely a connection.
I forget the doctor whom said this but he said, there's is no illness or disease that is incurable. All root causes of illness is simply, a lack of adequate nutrition getting to all of our cells. If the trillion cells in our bodies are properly nourished they will function optimally. And our cells were designed to prevent and/or heal from illnesses.
Yes, easier said then done in the world we live in. But as our stress levels rise and air we breath and water we drink get more polluted, and probably the biggest culprit the foods we eat become more contaminated and aren't really even real food anymore our cells don't get properly nourished. People have more health problems now more than ever and it should be the opposite as we become "smarter" and much more advanced as a species.
But I digress.