Posted 5/8/2016 12:01 AM (GMT -5)
I went to a party tonight, and the first person I talked to, the wife of one of my bosses who just happened to be there asked about my health. Her brother had/has lyme, and she had info. to pass on. The second person I talked to was a biologist and her daughter and brother both had/have lyme. Her brother went through hell. He was going to Mexico for anti-biotics... when the Western Blot was first being developed he travelled and asked to be tested, he got tested, and tested positive. He lived 10 years with it...and with the results he had...they put him on IV anti-biotics. My intuition is telling me I could benefit from them. She told me that if you get a diagnosis from a naturopath in CA that stands..and your insurance company has to honor that. She told me there is someone in Thousand Oaks she would trust/recommend. Her brother's marriage broke up over the lyme. ... I wonder if mine is headed the same way (we aren't legally married). My spouse made it crystal clear today, after I use up my savings on treatment, I am on my own, he won't help. We keep separate finances. I realize, in the 25 years we've been together, I've given him $135,000 in rent to pay towards the mortgage on the property he owns. When I told him tonight, I can't afford to live in our ultra expensive community any more, he asked me, where are you going to go? The other night when I mentioned a local intentional community he said in a small group of strangers... go ahead, you move out, I'll have more space. Wow... this infection really stirs up things on multiple levels... pain pain pain... rain rain rain... it all comes out in the wash somehow! I think these spirochetes are teaching me, I deserve to be valued and the body I live in is sacred, and I deserve to be treated as such. What a nice lesson to give! Thank you!