If I read your question correctly dacarte3, you're asking if you can substitute the abx Rx approach you're on with an antibiotic/microbial herbal protocol instead, to lessen the impact on the good bacteria in the gut?
Our understanding is that herbal lyme & co protocols generally use whole herbs, which our bodies (usually) process more easily and can be gentler on the gut and throw it into imbalance a little less than pharmaceutical abx. But with prolonged use and extenuating circumstances, this may/may not be your experience (depending on your own body system and level of health and susceptibility to yeast/fungal overgrowth--or pre-existing conditions, etc.. ) and you could have just as much trouble with herbal protocols.
Anti fungal
Also, regardless of whether or not you're on Rx antibiotics or herbal, an anti fungal will act like an antifungal--they are independent of the antimicrobial protocol. The sequence in your protocol is important, however, because you want to take the antibiotic first, then the anti fungal, and then your detox helps flush out all the dead bacteria and fungus. The y/f can grow fast - in a matter of hours so the sequence I like is 1) antimicrobial 2) anti fungal 3) detox 4) probiotic.
Yeast/fungal overgrowth
Generally, if you are struggling w/ y/f overgrowth, you need to nip it in the bud or you're going to continue having issues, which can become more difficult to control, riskier to your health and cause issues that can affect the efficacy of any lyme & co protocol. I'd strongly recommend you getting the y/f under control before moving forward w/ your protocol, regardless of herbal or pharmaceutical Rx.
Given your symptoms (sooo sorry - your symptoms are miserable, I've been there) you have a pretty severe overgrowth. In your situation (an already existing overgrowth and a significant one at that), I wouldn't rely solely on natural antifungals or probiotics, which are much more successful when used in a preventative or maintenance way. Even though your symptoms are all over your body, I'd bet that they are originating in your gut and you might be able to solve them in your gut.
Local anti fungal
My strongest recommendation is to get your LLMD to prescribe PURE NYSTATIN POWDER 500,000 units - you can fill it at a compounding pharmacist. It's all-natural, derived from the earth and can be safely taken long-term. Most MDs know only about
the Nystatin pills and liquids, which are more expensive and full of filers (the liquids also often have sugar in them). The other benefits are that the powder can address several issues at once, much like the systemic anti fungal.
The Nystatin generally doesn't cross the gut's mucosal barrier so it doesn't have to be processed through the liver. The powder is mixed with a little water, as you drink it it kills the y/f in your mouth on contact (addressing the thrush) as well as coats your throat. The y/f in your gut is likely growing up through your throat and into your mouth, could also be growing out of your mouth/nose and onto your face/chest/head.
Leaky gut:
The skin rashes could also be connected to what is going on in your gut. If your y/f overgrowth has been going on long enough, the yeast can grow "roots" into the mucosal lining of the gut, literally drilling holes into it, which allows fecal matter, toxins, food particles and sometimes yeast to seep through it - this gunk gets into your blood stream causing the food sensitivities and other autoimmune reactions when your immune system doesn't know what all that stuff is doing in your blood stream. Your immune system can literally start reacting to every food you eat (I have the stool tests to prove it).
The other reason why it's important to nip y/f overgrowth quickly and effectively is that leaky gut damages the mucosal lining, causing absorption issues with nutrients and receiving the benefits of your protocol - so the longer it goes unchecked, the less your antimicrobial protocol and other things you're doing to support your immune system and other body systems will work.
The skin rashes are also likely an immune response so if you take care of the y/f overgrowth in the gut, your skin should clear up (I'd be careful with anti fungal creams - they often include steroids, which can wreck your skin). The Nystatin powder can also be fashioned into a topical cream - as the compounding pharmacist to help you do this.
Systemic anti fungal
A systemic anti fungal will also be effective but it's harder for your body to process, along with all the other toxins you're creating. The anti fungal has to be processed through your liver and you must have your liver enzymes tested monthly. If they become high, milk thistle seed and/or burdock root are usually effective in reducing them.
Die off
With your level of symptoms you should be careful with die off, which can be pretty tough for your body to process. I'd start off slowly with anti fungal dosing but get up to optimal dose as quickly as you can and maintain until symptoms are gone (for you, probably a month). Detox as best as you can--you might want to start another conversation and share your detoxing and ask if it's sufficient, etc.
Ongoing maintenance
You'll likely need to stay on an anti fungal while you're on an antibiotic protocol (regardless of Rx or herbal) to keep the y/f in check or you'll be back here again. Until it is very evident that the y/f overgrowth is gone, I'd keep hitting it hard with the Rx. At some point you'll be able to transition to natural antifungals but if you do it too early, the y/f will come right back and you could develop resistance to the natural antifungals more quickly than necessary. When you are ready, you'll want to pick 2 antifungals to use at a time and rotate them out every couple of weeks to avoid resistance. There are many natural antifungals to choose from.
Hope this is helpful - please let me know if you'd like more info on the powder, dosing or anything else. Lots of us lymees have had to deal with the y/f issues.
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 5/8/2016 12:52:58 PM (GMT-6)