Greetings to you all,
This is my first post on any forum regarding Lyme Disease.
I'm a mummy from the UK and I have two little ones, both with various medical conditions and both with autism.
My whole life I have suffered some kind of chronic illness and did the whole run-around with doctors telling me it's all in my head, etc.
I remember when I was very little, I sat with our dog and I saw many swollen ticks behind its ears. I didn't know what they were at the time.
I suffered from painful joints as a child amongst other things. I also had multiple circular red rashes on my face and body but I looked it up and they were more like 'ringworm' rashes rather than bullseye ones.
I had a major 'relapse' in my early twenties where I had what felt like the flu with vomiting for six months. I couldn't walk without help for some of those months.
When a family member died, I started having what felt like short seizures and I still get those when I am over-tired.
After I had my first child, I got what I now know to be more neurological lyme symptoms. It felt very much like MS.
This March (five years after the last major crash), I had another terrible crash and I'm still going through it. The MS symptoms are much worse. I could no longer drive my car for the month of March and April. I have severe short term memory loss, and what feels like the onset of facial palsy. For a few months leading to that, I keep waking up with a stiff neck and I get headaches almost daily. Dizziness and severe muscle weakness.
My legs and arms keep going numb. There are so many symptoms, I can't think of them all right now as my thinking is a bit cloudy as I type this.
I found out about
Lyme Disease as I researched on Google a couple of months ago and I felt for the first time in my life that I had THE answer for what has been troubling me all of my life.
I started to research like crazy and I decided to get myself tested with Armin Labs in Germany.
I didn't do any co-infections as my funds are limited and I want to put my resources towards ongoing treatment. I can't currently afford a LLMD but I found a wonderful knowledgeable naturopath to start working with.
When my results arrived I was quite surprised to find that I tested negative for the Borrelia Elispot and the Borrelia IgG/IgM Seraspot tests. The strains tested were B. b. afzelii, garinii, and sensu stricto., my CD57 + NK-cells (absolute) was astonishingly low. I got a 3. The range is 100-360.
I know that the jury is out there on the validity of the CD57 test but I wonder if this is the reason I tested negative for Borrelia. Could my immune system be incapable of producing antibodies.
Their Elispot test measure T-cellular activity so I don't think the antibodies are even relevant for that. It is for the Seraspot though.
Sorry this is so long! I will stop now, but I would love you thoughts. I want to have a test that shows positive for Lyme, if possible. I know it sounds silly but I need to put a 'face' to this thing that has held me hostage all my life.
The Advanced Laboratory culture test is not available to UK patients, but I am interested in a urine PCR test by either Igenex or this Lyme panel from DNA Connexions you so much for taking the time to read. I really look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes to you all!