Posted 6/1/2016 3:07 PM (GMT -5)
I wasn't aware that there were people out there who had to be reminded not to eat feces, but.. okay. XD
No offense, happyjo, just teasing.
That part caught me totally by surprise, I had to do a double take..
I know what you meant though. Very sound advice.
Still, thanks for the laughs!
RhodeIslander, enjoy the trip! Actually, now that you mention it, traveling throughout parts of southeast Asia's actually on my bucket list. Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines (have people close to me that live there). Japan would be cool as well, but it's a tad more expensive. I remember reading somewhere that you could spend 3 months in southeast Asia for the same amount of money that'd last you a few weeks in Japan.
But, yeah, someday.. maybe.
Anyway, awesome stuff! Cya when you return! Hope the vaccines and the bugs don't treat you too badly!