Have you used LDN or Byron White formulas for Lyme with success?
LDN--YES - 33.3% - 1 votes
Byron White--YES - 0.0% - 0 votes
LDN--NO - 0.0% - 0 votes
Byron White--NO - 0.0% - 0 votes
Both--YES - 33.3% - 1 votes
Both--NO - 33.3% - 1 votes
Veteran Member
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Posted 6/6/2016 2:40 PM (GMT -5)
Has anyone had experience with LDN for their Lyme? Anyone used the Byron White formula A-L Complex?
Mainly just looking for success stories/tips for using the two together.
Thanks much!
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Posted 6/6/2016 3:05 PM (GMT -5)
AHHH - well, I responded to the poll but then saw your post that clarified a specific BW formula.
I'm not sure I have anything specific to say about the combination of the two - just the individual functions of each. I'd make sure to give the BW herbs a good 30 minute buffer from anything else.
And the LDN could take awhile to acclimate to so try and persevere. It doesn't always work for everyone but for most who can tough it out through the initial stages, it's beneficial. Do a search for conversations about it here on the forum - many of us are taking it and we've had some excellent discussions.
My experience:
I have used LDN since starting out with treatment - it was very tough to acclimate to (you start out at very low doses and slowly titrate up - you can have some pretty good reactions at first, which I did. But I stuck with it and have done really well on 4.5mg/day.
I started with BW AL-Complex, A-Bart and A-Babs all at once. I don't recommend this - always do microbial one at a time and start slowly. I also wasn't detoxing enough--detoxing at the same rate at which you are killing microbes is as important as killing the microbes. Your body has to be able to move the toxins and debris out of the body or you will continue to react to them.
I had NO reactions to either low, medium or high doses of AL-Complex and after trying a few other herbs for lyme. I was rapidly losing the ability to walk (extreme pain in hip/knee joints and loss of coordination---among MANY other sx) my LLMD put me on abx and I started walking again within weeks.
A-Babs gave me some good herxing at low doses (diarrhea, night sweats, air hunger) and I titrated up to 30 doses/day but with quite a few problems. For several reasons that didn't have a whole lot to do w/ the herbs or babs, I had to stop taking everything.
A-Bart also gave me some good herxes in the beginning (diarrhea, leg spasms, shin pain, bone pain, lesions on shins/knee/lower back/abdomen). But the biggest problem I had, which took me quite a while to figure out is that it was causing these horrible GI attacks (hours of wrenching, pulsating pain throughout my entire torso that would end in projectile vomiting). I finally had to stop taking it and now taking abx for bart. I want to transition back onto A-Bart--for me, I think it hits the bart more broadly but body can't handle it right now. Hopefully someday.
Hope this is helpful -
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Posted 6/6/2016 4:33 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks so mch for your reply. It's good to see that you did have at least some reaction to the Byron White ones. I've been taking some of the Cowden protocol and did herx some at the beginning, but I've come to a stand still and haven't been able to get a good herx in a while. I have been taking 30 drops 2x a day since late March, early April and some in January. As much as I don't want to be sick again, I do want to find something that gives me at least some reaction.
As far as the LDN goes, so far I think I'm handling 1.5 much better than most do. I had one bad day where I literally slept all day with it, but I snapped out of it pretty quickly. I'm hoping it at least lowers my thyroid antibodies some. And maybe helps strengthen the immune system so I can get these adrenal and Lyme problems conquered. It's all so interconnected that it's hard to see what causes what.
I'll definitely do some searching and see what others have to say about them. Thanks! :)
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Posted 6/6/2016 7:59 PM (GMT -5)
I don't have any experience with LDN, but I have taken A-L Complex. I definitely reacted to it. I had to start out at one drop twice per day and increase slowly. Before that, I had been on Beyond Balance MC-BB-1. My LLMD said that the Byron White herbs are a little more intense than the Beyond Balance. What I found interesting was that when I started the A-L Complex, I started having some mild bart herxes, nerve pain mostly in my shins. I had never treated bart before and didn't know I had it. The A-L Complex killed just enough of it to let me know it was an issue for me.
Veteran Member
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Posted 6/6/2016 8:14 PM (GMT -5)
Nice input! Thanks so much. My doc didn't actually tell me how I was supposed to take the Byron White. He got busy and failed to mention that part. I'll be interested to see my reaction to it. I'm waiting until I've been on the LDN for a few so that I can tell what is causing what. I don't have many detox avenues though. No access to a spa. No bathtub for detox baths. So it's going to be rough. Thanks for the input! I'm lookin for all I can get at this point.